Sarina has always been very close with my parents. Her Nana and Papa had a very special bond they shared with her; along with some very special memories and experiences.
They both tried to help me guide her in the right direction.
My parents knew that I was trying to get a hold of Sarina the entire day and I called my mother right before I left to check on her after dinner.
So, when my husband called and told my father to come to Sarina's house right away, heard me screaming and crying in the background; he told my mother what was going on and they immediately knew it was something mortifying.
My parents had to park quite a ways down the street because all of the police and medical vehicles were in front of the house. I didn't see them drive up, but I heard my mother screaming and crying; for she must have known what was going on by the way things looked when they arrived. I ran up to her and don't recall ever hugging her so hard and for so long. We felt each others pain and still do, and we both know that there is nothing in the universe that hurts so much.
My parents followed us back to our house where we sat, cried and tried to get over the shock that this was really happening.
I know my parents are mourning and grieving with me for My Beautiful Baby Girl.
We moved the week after I lost Sarina and are now minutes from my parents, so we can spend time consoling each other and they are close to Sarina, her ashes, her shrine and her room. I am hoping that will help them and make them feel closer to her.
My parents have been a tremendous help and comfort through this horrific ordeal.